

  • Week 30€ (meal +10€)
  • infos-jeudi-gb 30€
  • Friday night 40€ with 2 drinks
  • Saturday afternoon 30€
  • Saturday night 50€ with 2 drinks OR< meal
  • Sunday 40€ with buffet

Single Men

  • Week 50€ (meal +5€)
  • infos-jeudi-gb 50€
  • Friday night 50€
  • Saturday afternoon 50€
  • Saturday night 70€ (meal +15€)
  • Sunday 50€ with buffet

Single Women

  • Free entry everyday

Dress Code & thèmes

Ladies: No pants. Dress, skirt, heels required. Gentlemen: Smart attire, trousers, polo shirt or shirt required. The management reserves the right of entry.
Attention: 1 weekend out of 2, Saturday evening couples and single women only


   Credit card (discretion assured)